Hi Everyone! Recently, after rejoining facebook, I decided to look into the possibility of joining a group for those caring for, and or living with ALS (in his papers, it does state; bulbar ALS symptoms specifically), because sometimes, as empathetic, and sympathetic I am, it can be difficult. Case in point; The other night, he had decided to order dinner. He asked me where I'd like to order from, but being as I can find something ANYWHERE, he's the picky eater, I said, "You choose." Preceding convo below; Husband: let's order from Farm Fresh Cafe Me: OK H: look at the menu. I'm ordering a burger. M (after looking): OK. I'll have a tuna wrap. H: forget it. I thought you'd get a turkey burger. So, no dinner delivered that night. I half expected it, because he's always doing stuff like that. He does all of the food ordering when online but if it has to be called in, I have to. IF I regulate that job to my 17 yr old, and he overh
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