
Showing posts from December, 2021


 Hola!  It's been awhile, and I hope this finds everyone well and or, WORKING towards their wellness.  2022 IS coming up and it should and shall be the beginning of not only a New, Free World.  However truly it should BE the beginning of a New, Free You.  So, I've been going through it.   As you know if you've read this site, the husband has is asymptomatic of bulbar ALS.  Meaning; he has all of the symptoms of bulbar ALS however, nothing registers ON the needles test.  And hes been diagnosed as this since Feb 2013.   Weve come to a head within our relationship as many of the causes behind his physical impediments HE CAUSED.  And as such, he was teaching these traits to our son.  Leading him into a life of dependence.  And that dependence would be on me (a parent's goal, imho, should always be to teach your child to HAVE THE ABILITY to stand on their own two feet.  No matter what.  Even the UK's former page 6 girl, Katie Price has said that in regards to her son Har